christian counseling

Passover and Mental Health

I imagine many of you have questions about this title. Is Dr. Natalie Jewish? What does Passover have to do with Mental Health? This seems strange…

Well over the past year or so, I’ve taken a deep dive studying the Feasts of Israel and have learned a ton some of which I want to share, especially with what God has shown me regarding mental health.

First of all, no I am not Jewish nor am I converting to Judaism. However, I do believe that as Christ followers/Christians, we should learn and understand Jewish culture, etc. so we can fully understand God’s word. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew after all. There are so many assumptions of things we should know seeing as how the writers were Jewish writing to Jewish audiences. Is the Bible for all people, absolutely, but the Jews were the people chosen by God to bring about salvation to all (Jesus was Jewish). All other nations had completely gone against the one true God, so God chose Israel as a nation dedicated to Him alone and to bring about the Messiah so all nations could have a way back to God.

Here are a few reasons to consider observing or at least learning about the feasts as a Gentile (non-Jewish people).

  • Some of the 4/5th century church councils made questionable decisions about Jewish people and they desired to get rid of the “roots”. The council of Nicea in AD 326 and Synod of Sardia in AD 344 were influenced by powerful anti-semitic leaders who sought to remove the celebrations of the feasts. 
  • These councils wanted to demonstrate the power of Christianity over Judaism. This was never God’s plan. He came for both the Jew and the Gentile. Man always seems to get in the way…This hurt our calling to show Christ to the world. Romans 11:11, 17
  • As mentioned above…We have LOST so much by not learning the significance of the feast and by not practicing these.
  • Jesus observed the feasts so why shouldn’t we?

The Feasts were given to the Jews originally as ways to remember, to honor God, and to have hope in the future. If you or your family had gone through a horrific time in history, a feast that helps you remember how God brought you through the trauma is in a way a healing mechanism. In counseling, we help people process and reprocess trauma to find healing. Isn’t it beautiful that God designed the feasts in such a way that would allow for processing, reprocessing, and for remembering God’s goodness? This is the mental health piece:).

Passover starts today in 2022. It is a day to reflect on what God has delivered the Jewish people from (slavery in Egypt) and for believers in Jesus to reflect on our deliverance from the slavery of sin. Leaven represents unconfessed sin (pride mostly). If you’ve ever held a piece of Matzah, the unleavened bread, you will see strips and holes in it. They did this to ensure no leaven was present. Scripturally, it reminds us, Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressionshe was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his stripes we are healed.) Jesus was this bread of life who was pierced for our transgressions and by whose stripes we are healed. This is only one of many symbolic things we can learn and be amazed by if we celebrate Passover.

During Passover, we reflect on any sin we have that could be negatively influencing us and repent. We reflect on God’s provision, protection, and presence. We remember God’s promises fulfilled in Jesus, the Messiah.

I challenge you today to study the Feasts and maybe even make their observance part of your family traditions. In these, you may just find healing in many areas of life including mentally.

Happy Passover,

Dr. Natalie

By Natalie Atwell Counseling

Dr. Natalie Atwell is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Supervisor in NC and a Board Certified Professional Christian Counselor. She values being transparent, honest, knowing when to be silly and when not to be silly (which isn't that often) and thinks laughter is a gift from God.

One reply on “Passover and Mental Health”

Yesss! Praise God for this message!
I too am awakening to this and so much more.
Lord move in our hearts AND minds!

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